ARC Blog

Social Anxiety Disorder Can Make Group Activities Frightening

Social Anxiety Disorder

Have you ever been asked to join a group? Perhaps at your work setting, church organization, or even among family members? Group activities, whether it’s social or business-related, can be difficult for anyone with social anxiety.

Sure, on some level, everyone gets nervous when they are among a group of people they don’t know. And it’s human nature to be somewhat nervous around strangers. But for those who have social anxiety, it’s not a touch of nerves but rather a flood of anxiety that interferes with their social interactions. In fact, if a person has severe reactions to social experiences, they may be diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder.

Social Anxiety Disorder is a psychological illness in which individuals have an extreme fear of social situations and being around others. A person with this illness commonly fears being evaluated and judged by others, to the point where it is debilitating. Frequently, this fear prevents them from being able to participate and engage in healthy activities and relationships. Those with Social Anxiety Disorder typically feel self-consciousness in an extreme way. They often also feel a fear of being embarrassed or humiliated. Sadly, even average, every-day interactions can feel overwhelming.

So if you’re in a workplace setting and you’re asked to do a group project with another division, co-workers you don’t know, it can be frightening. Or if you’re in a community setting with neighbors and community organizers, for example, working on a fundraiser for your neighborhood, that too can feel overwhelming.

Someone with Social Anxiety Disorder who is faced with an overwhelming social situation might experience the following symptoms:

  • a racing heart
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • shortness of breath
  • shaking
  • sweating palms
  • feeling hot
  • anxiety
  • stress
  • tension

It’s common for people with Social Anxiety Disorder to withdraw from people and social activities. To avoid these experiencesthey frequently isolate and spend time alone. The worry and anxiety may become so intense for some people that they no longer have the ability to participate in social situations. In many cases, those with the disorder might even be aware that the social anxiety they’re experiencing is unreasonable. However, they may still feel powerless to it.

As you can imagine, Social Anxiety Disorder may interfere with a person’s career, ability to make friends, and have a network of support. However, those with the illness can utilize mental health treatment, such as psychotherapy and medication (if needed). In some cases, therapy that explores a person’s beliefs, thoughts, and feelings while in those social situations can help illuminate the experience that might be triggering the physiological response of fear. A person with Social Anxiety Disorder might also incorporate relaxation practices, including meditation and yoga, into their lifestyle. Practices such as these can help a person learn a state of relaxation as a natural and ongoing state versus anxiety as a dominant state.

If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder, contact a mental health provider for assistance. A person doesn’t have to live in fear. Help is available so that anxiety doesn’t have to get in the way of enjoying life.

About the author – Robert Hunt is a recovering addict of 7 years.  He has devoted his life to helping others suffering from chemical addictions as well as mental health challenges.  Robert maintains many blogs on drug addiction, eating disorders and depression.  He is a sober coach and wellness advocate and a prominent figure in the recovery community.


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