ARC Blog

Over a Decade of Gratefulness

It is hard to believe that we have celebrated 13 Christmas seasons at the Anxiety Resource Center. Our holiday open house is a special time of year as we are able to reconnect with many people we haven’t seen in years and meet new people just visiting for the first time.

It almost seems like yesterday that we walked into the firehouse. Over a decade ago there weren’t sidewalks or streetlights, we were on the “other” side of town. Thanks to a growing city and booming businesses the ARC is now considered part of “downtown”.

The Center offers weekly support groups for teens and adults. We have three adult groups: two for anxiety and one for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. We offer social outings monthly and offer special events and presentations throughout the year. We have creative opportunities to help people manage anxiety and we offer a lending library of books. We invite professionals to speak on topics related to anxiety and we bring our mental health professionals into local schools to offer education.

Just recently we started offering memberships to the Center. This has been a great way for people to show support of the ARC and to help us continue into the future. It also gives individuals the opportunity to use our services at a reduced cost. For many years we didn’t charge for groups but with growth and outreach we can long operate without charging a small fee. The Center still primarily exists because of the support of the Azzar family who we are so grateful for. We ask you to join them and consider giving back to this important resource in West Michigan.

Over the years I have heard so many gracious comments from visitors. Some have expressed how the ARC has been a lifeline for them, how the Center has given them the courage to go places and do new things, how it has been more effective than inpatient therapy. While those are wonderful statements, the truth is it isn’t the Center that provides the support. It is the people. It is each one of you who walks through the door, it is your listening ear, your shoulder to lean on. You are the heart of the Center. You genuinely care about each other, you provide an atmosphere where people can be “real” where they can be “themselves” without judgment. I am grateful for our support group facilitators, our volunteers and each one of you that comes to the ARC.

If you haven’t been to the ARC, I encourage you to set a goal to visit in 2019. If you’ve thought of the ARC but haven’t made it back down, I’d encourage you to try. Perhaps you could extend an invitation to someone who might benefit from our services let’s help them to feel welcomed, encouraged, inspired and supported too.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.

Suzette Andres is the Director of the Anxiety Resource Center. 


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