New Books

The Anxious Thoughts Workbook

Skills to Overcome the Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts that Drive Anxiety, Obsessions, and Depression

by David A. Clark PhD

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The Anxious Thoughts Workbook

Are your thoughts getting in the way of living your life? Based in cutting-edge neuroscience and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), this important workbook will help you regain control from unwanted thoughts and get back to the things that matter.

Do you have unwanted, disturbing, upsetting, or weird thoughts that you just can’t seem to shake? Violent or sexual thoughts that cause you to feel ashamed, anxious, or depressed? Maybe you think they mean something about you—and that thought scares you even more. While you may not be able to shut your thoughts off permanently, you can gain distance from them and improve your life. This step-by-step guide will show you how.

In The Anxious Thoughts Workbook, renowned psychologist David A. Clark presents a targeted, transdiagnostic approach to help you move past unwanted mental intrusions. You’ll learn how to change the destructive patterns responsible for the persistence of anxious and depressive thinking, and strip these upsetting thoughts of their meaning—a process Clark refers to as “detoxing.” Finally, you’ll learn to manage the feelings of shame that can accompany these thoughts.

Are you ready to move past your thoughts and start focusing on more important things? If so, the proven-effective techniques in this workbook will help you get started.

Mind-Body Workbook for PTSD

A 10-Week Program for Healing After Trauma

by Stanley H. Block and Carolyn Bryant Block

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Mind-Body Workbook for PTSD

It may not seem possible at first, but you can make a full recovery after trauma.

Many traumatic experiences naturally heal with time and become part of your past, like old scars. But when you have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumas flare up in your life again and again, causing stress and making it difficult to focus on the here and now. Months and even years may pass, but the memories don’t fade and let you move on.

A clinically proven therapeutic method called mind-body bridging can help you to finally heal and recover from these difficult experiences. Mind-Body Workbook for PTSD is a straightforward, self-guided mind-body bridging program that you can complete in ten weeks. You’ll use your body to settle your mind, develop the skills you need to recover from PTSD, and start to feel connected, confident, and in charge of your life.

  • Stop feeling detached and numb and start feeling alive again
  • Notice the tension in your body and experience it melting away
  • Reduce flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, and restlessness
  • Keep track of your progress as you move toward making a full recovery
5 Survivors

Personal Stories of Healing from PTSD and Traumatic Events

by Tracy Stecker Ph.D.

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5 Survivors

Each year millions of people are afflicted by Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Most struggle to simply make it through the day as sights, sounds, and smells bring their life’s most harrowing experience front and center, to be relived again and again. And many are unaware of the root problem of these symptoms or are unwilling to admit one exists.

Through moving firsthand accounts, 5 Survivors sheds an intimate light on the impact of PTSD on three veterans of war, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, and a victim of childhood sexual abuse. With courage and honesty, they tell their stories of trauma, revealing the struggles they faced later in life, and how they eventually worked toward positive change and healing.

With the guidance of PTSD expert and researcher Tracy Stecker, Ph.D., who outlines the symptoms and progress of each survivor, those living untreated with PTSD may see themselves in these stories, realize they are not alone, and take action to get help. Friends and family of those who have been greatly impacted by trauma will gain a more intimate understanding of a loved one’s struggle and pain.


Break the Buying Obsession and Discover Your True Worth

by Sally Palaian

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Today, Americans are saving less, carrying larger debt loads, losing their homes to foreclosure, and filing bankruptcy in record numbers. People are spending more than they can afford, and many feel guilty, anxious, and overwhelmed as a result.

Moving beyond the advice of financial planners who only treat the symptoms of overspending, in Spent Sally Palaian offers proven plans for taking on a range of personal issues with money by examining those underlying emotional, familial, and societal factors that trigger spending behaviors.

Spent teaches readers to control shopping, pay off debt, develop budgets, and become financially competent through:

  • Easy-to-use assessment tools designed to pinpoint the severity of a problem
  • Questionnaires that facilitate the exploration of the root causes of unhealthy financial behaviors
  • User-friendly exercises created to influence change from within

Palaian’s system for financial recovery is designed to not only help excessive spenders overcome their spending habits, but also to help hoarders, financial codependents, and underachievers let go of fears, take responsibility for their actions, and break unhealthy cycles. Spent empowers people in every financial predicament to disentangle their financial messes to achieve lasting, positive change and a healthy view of one’s true value in life.

Rock and Water

The Power of Thought~The Peace of Letting Go

by Scott Cooper

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Rock and Water

An integrated resource for greater happiness, Rock & Water will keep you moving peacefully through the unpredictable ups and downs of life.

Just as a stream seamlessly wanders through the natural world over, around, or surrounded by rocks, the purpose of Rock and Water is to provide access to basic skills to help us enhance our happiness in the midst of the meanderings of our everyday lives, regardless of the obstacles (in particular the emotional strain of modern living). These skills are based primarily on current research and practice in the fields of cognitive-behavioral psychology and mindfulness/acceptance, two disciplines that have mostly been isolated from each other. Rock and Water is research-based and practical, while also being philosophical and personal; and includes several narratives from the life experiences of a wide variety of prominent people in history (Viktor Frankl, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Audrey Hepburn, Mohandas Gandhi and many others)

Help for Hair Pullers

Understanding and Coping with Trichotillomania

by Nancy Keuthen

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Help for Hair Pullers

If you suffer from trichotillomania, this book is written for you, your family and loved ones, and the professionals who you might seek out to help you overcome your condition. Written by one of the leading experts in the field, the book reviews the latest medications and treatment options and offers simple and effective cognitive-behavioral techniques for controlling hair-pulling. You’ll learn that you are not alone in dealing with this condition. Find out about symptoms and behaviors and other problems associated with trichotillomania, and learn how you can motivate yourself to change. The book explains how families and friends can help you and what you can do to reach out to the growing support community that exists on the Web and within national and local consumer organizations.

The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

Using Compassion-Focused Therapy to Calm Worry, Panic, and Fear

by Dennis Tirch PhD, foreword by Paul Gilbert PhD

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The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety is not your fault. There are many factors that contribute to developing a mind that is prone to intense anxiety, and if you have such a mind, there are many things you can do to change the way it works. Research has shown that practicing kindness and compassion soothes experiences of fear, while self-critical thoughts tend to intensify them. If you become frustrated with your anxious reactions or consistently try to talk yourself out of your anxiety, it may be time to try a different approach.

The compassion-focused therapy (CFT) based program in The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Overcoming Anxiety will help you learn to be kinder to yourself while you soothe your anxious impulses. Complete with worksheets, exercises, and meditation practices, this book includes everything you need to learn mindfulness and compassion-focused skills for redirecting your anxious thoughts and allowing yourself to enjoy a more peaceful life.

By learning to be a compassionate witness to your own pain, you will also learn to be fully present in the moment, and develop healthier, more fluid ways of responding to life’s struggles. This resourceful guide aims to help you understand the nature of your anxiety, the best ways of dealing with it, and how your mind can help you cope with it.


Hope and inspiration for people with trichotillomania and other mysterious compulsive disorders

by Gary Hennerberg

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Trichotillomania has been part of the life of Gary Hennerberg since the age of six. His personal story takes you deeply into his thoughts as he searches for ways to cope with the baffling urge to pull his hair. In this book, Gary reveals three ways he has learned to co-exist with trichotillomania: his faith, self-acceptance, and discovering his gifts and talents. This is a book of hope, inspiration and encouragement for people who feel isolated and powerless over trichotillomania and other mysterious compulsive disorders. As a child, Gary believed he was the only person in the world who pulled his hair and he kept his hair pulling urge a secret. Today we know trichotillomania (also called trich or TTM) is silently suffered by as many as 10 million people. Compulsive hair pulling creates deep shame and loss of self-esteem. While his prayers to stop the urge to pull his hair were never seemingly heard or answered, Gary later recognizes that his prayers were answered in unexpected ways.

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